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Surah Kahf, Surah Al Kahf, Surah Kahaf, Surah Kahf Full

Surah Kahf

Period of Revelation

  • Stage: This Surah was revealed during the third stage of Prophethood in Makkah (5th to 10th year).
  • Context: During this stage, the Quraish escalated their opposition from ridicule and threats to persecution and economic pressure.
  • Key Events: Migration to Habasha, siege in Shi’ib Abi Talib, deaths of Abu Talib and Hadrat Khadijah.
  • Purpose: To comfort persecuted Muslims using the story of “Ashab-i-Kahf” (Companions of the Cave).

Subject and Topics

  • Questions Addressed: The Surah answers three questions posed by the Quraish in consultation with the People of the Book:
    1. Who were the Companions of the Cave?
    2. What is the story of Khidr?
    3. What do you know about Zul-Qarnain?
  • Purpose of Stories:
    • Companions of the Cave: Their faith in Tauhid mirrors the Muslims’ faith, and their persecution reflects the Quraish’s treatment of Muslims. It teaches steadfastness and trust in God.
    • Khidr and Moses: Highlights the hidden wisdom in divine actions and encourages trust in Allah’s plan.
    • Zul-Qarnain: Admonishes the Quraish to learn humility and trust in Allah, contrasting their arrogance with Zul-Qarnain’s faith despite his power.

Lessons and Admonitions

  • To Muslims: Remain steadfast, trust in Allah, and be ready to emigrate if necessary to preserve faith.
  • To Quraish: The fleeting nature of worldly power and pleasures, the reality of the Hereafter, and the importance of Tauhid (monotheism).


  • Core Messages: Tauhid and the Hereafter are true, and accepting these doctrines is crucial for a righteous life. Rejection leads to ruin.

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